Finally, Gong Tianlang Lang said, "Since everyone unanimously passed it, it's settled in this way. After three days, you will be rewarded with Tian Aquilaria. You need to tell him a little about your friends in the fairy class." His monks left in succession. Palace Sirius and Sun Hao were...
But sharingan Sheng is different from general practice. Xiaobai hasn't found a clue so far. Most of the time, I still follow the footsteps of Lu Yuan. The eye land source is to show it that only by doing so can sharingan rise to the eternal kaleidoscope level. And when we get to the eternal...
…… "Ah ... I don't want to go ... haven't you arrived yet?" The hot sun spy and Bilu are walking slowly in a sandy land, surrounded by half-buried buildings, and the sun never seems to weaken, and they have always maintained strong firepower to shine on the earth. This made Bilu not...
The only thing that can be similar is that the attack and defense at the bottom of the brain system are somewhat similar, and each side is looking for the other's loopholes. But from a strategic point of view, saints are born with a layer. After all, they are inseparable from heaven. I don't know...
"By the way, the Taoist priest didn't know that this cemetery could have some wisdom because of such a large-scale corpse change and the stiff hair." Tian Yong is half changing the subject to avoid embarrassment, half wondering and asking Wen Xi long. "That's because of this town's...
However, the virtual environment has changed, and this batch of creatures has once again created another batch of creatures that can continue to adapt to it. Spread it from generation to generation. Seeing this, the star burner has discovered it. Every time a new generation of creatures is colder...
Pa is another crunchy, but every time it is not a slap, but a folding fan in the hand of a white-faced man. "Stupid" 61. Goodbye Li Dazui The white-faced man threw the folding fan at the table and waved at the bartender. "Give me a pot of good tea. Don't fool me with those...
This rotating mid-sky moonlight suddenly condenses into a huge lunar essence, which is put into this round of underwater moon and absorbs a lot of moonlight essence. After that, this full moon slowly becomes red like blood, dripping with light, and a horrible ShaQi diffuses to scare all creatures...
As quiet as death The whole martial arts field is filled with a depressing atmosphere. Many elders and brothers are nervous and have a cold sweat on their foreheads, but they dare not move or wipe Li Xuandao's eyes. "Get up, all of you." With the sound of Li Xuandao, the atmosphere of the...
There are many mysteries in the history of Sun Hao's burial in Tianxu. The biggest mystery is that the soul has not returned to life and death. Is it Sun Hao? Of course, the strongest then in that burial day market was recognized as Sun Hao by later generations. However, it is meaningless to say...